October 13, 2011


For the past month (since September 17th) fellow citizens of the United States have stood up to the omnipresent corporatocracy controlling this country.  Since its first eruption in New York's Wall Street district, many more of this type of protest has sprung up all around the country.  What originated as the anti-consumerist Adbusters Magazine's call to action of corporate greed has evolved into a nation-wide protest spanning from coast to coast in many of the financial district of major cities.  Going by the Twitter hashtag, #OccupyWallStreet, it has evolved into #OccupyTheWorld.  Seattle has also followed the trend with #OccupySeattle where there have been assemblies in the Westlake District downtown. Saturday Oct. 15th will have a march through downtown and a General Assembly later that night.

You can check out the assembly times and marches on their website http://occupyseattle.org/.

The liberal city of Bellingham is not far from the footsteps of this revolution.  Last Friday a major assembly was held in downtown Bellingham in front of the Federal building.  Tomorrow there will be a Solidarity March and General Assembly downtown past all of the major banks.  Excitement is an understatement.  You can read all about Occupy Bellingham's mission and purpose on their facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Occupy-Bellingham/129622153804379?sk=wall.

Something will change.  Although there might not be and end to Capitalism or Corporatism, this movement has already changed the way our elected officials shape public policies.  With the Arab Spring, British Riots, Wisconsin Assembly, and all of the other influential protests of this year, it is clear that a world revolution is imminent.  Technology has been a curse and a blessing: capturing our thoughts yet releasing us from our false consciousness (as Karl Marx would say).  The popular use of Twitter and Facebook has catalyzed the growing conscious revolution.  The apocalyptic sentiment of 2012 is NOT going to be the end of the world, but the beginning of something that will inevitably change the way we live.  If complete anarchy ensues, just remember you still have your fellow neighbors.  We have lived depending on one another for thousands of years and we can do it again despite individualistic attitudes.

If you have not been keeping up with the Wall Street Bailout crisis, an extremely informative (and comedic) documentary called "Capitalism: A Love Story" by Michael Moore outlines the premise perfectly.  http://www.documentary-log.com/you-are-watching-capitalism-a-love-story/

To read thoroughly on the premise of the #OccupyWallStreet movement, the Nation has an amazing review. http://www.thenation.com/article/163924/occupy-wall-street-occupy-everywhere

Many stories have been twisted by the media.  The 700 arrests made by the police were first unjustified, to justified.  There have been countless documents of police brutality including NYPD officer Anthony Balogna macing peacefully protesting girls http://www.uslaw.com/occupywallstreet.  This cannot be justified.  We do not live in a Utilitarian police state!

I am going to end with this video... It highlights the unwavering hypocrisy of the American government.  It is extremely egocentric of us to scold the Middle Eastern governments for their actions against protesters when our protesters have been treated the same way!  I hope it'll move your soul to rise and take action for the revolution!!  The ideas of the wise Mahatma Ghandi echo in this era of humanity, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world".

What an exciting time to be alive!

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